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How to identify the fault code?Using the supplied manual fault codes can be identified, for example any F.3xx will refer to connected safety edges. The full code can be used to identify the exact nature of the fault, for example F.363 indicates the main Safety edge is open circuit (broken cable etc).
Do I need to specify limit type?No, select the relevant profile when first powering the controller. For example, setting P.991 to 1 will select a standard motor fitted with digital limits as shown in the manual supplied with the controller.
Do the accessories need to be programmed or are they identified on initial start-up?Common connections are pre-programmed, along with auto-detection of the main safety edge. Accessories can be enabled or disabled via the programming interface as required.
Can Marantec UK supply FEIG accessories?Yes, as the sole agent for FEIG in the UK & Ireland for over 25 years, Marantec UK through their strong working partnership with FEIG can supply relevant products as required along with full sales and technical support.
Do I need a special programming tool?No, all programming is via the panel mounted buttons and confirmed on the integrated display. The display is easily visible through the control panel window.
Can you supply FEIG TST controllers in metal enclosures?Yes, the controls can be supplied in standard steel housings, stainless steel and or housings to suit hygienically sensitive areas (e.g. food industry).
Training, can this be provided?Of course, for any product supplied by Marantec UK we offer full training and support for that product. REMEMBER, all our training is free.
What limit types do the FEIG controls work with?All limit types are covered, mechanical limits, most variations of encoder/electronic limits are compatible. Any that are not covered we have the TST PD2 available to retrofit.
Can you provide custom build solutions using FEIG?Yes, Marantec UK have been providing custom build solution since 1990.
Where can I use FEIG TST controls?FEIG TST controls can be used for all door applications. The FEIG controllers are also used extensively throughout the gate and barrier industry.
Do the FEIG controllers work only on door applications?No, FEIG TST controllers are configurable for practically any application. The TST WU is compatible with either 1ph or 3ph motor allowing extensive door control functions. The TST inverter range from 0.75Kw 1ph through 5Kw 3ph can be used for both door and gate applications. FEIG also have the dedicated TST FUZ2-B controls commonly used on gate and barriers installs.
Are the controls simple to set up?Yes, Marantec UK have worked with FEIG to provide default profiles for most applications along with simple to follow instructions to speed the initial set up. We provide full technical support from the outset, all along with full FEIG manuals if required.
How do I re-set a fault code?Once the fault has been identified and rectified, simply pressing all three buttons on the front of the controller for more than 2 seconds clears the fault. If the fault has been rectified the display will return to show its default status.
How do I enter programming mode?Press and hold the stop and open button together for 2 seconds, the display will change to show the programming mode.
If I have twin sliding gates, two traffic barriers, or a pair of bi-folding swing gate, which FEIG controllers do we use?All FEIG controllers can be used in these scenarios. Most common for this type of application, gates and barriers, is the TST FUZ2-B fitted with the COMMS board for motors up to 0.75Kw in size.
What are the display messages telling me?The display will indicate if the door is open or closed, the countdown for autoclose along with various status messages. Status messages are organised with a letter prefix, indicating an active input, indicates information messages and reporting any faults.
What plug-in accessories are available?FEIG controls accept many accessories most commonly, loop detectors of up to four channel, the additional SURA6 safety edge card allowing for a further six individual safety edges to be connected, COMMS boards allowing interlocking, air locking and master/slave functions. Further expansion boards with extra relay outputs are also available. Not forgetting radio cards and compatible transmitters are also available.
Do FEIG only manufacture door and gate controllers?No, FEIG are active in several markets, Controllers for gate and barriers, Sensors such as loop detectors, Identification for access control, RFID and barcode systems, Payment / payment terminals.
I’ve powered the control panel but it doesn’t operate from the enclosure buttons?The controller doesn’t work from the enclosure buttons until the limits have been set. Use the internal programming buttons or LCD programmer to set limits, then the enclosure buttons become active.
Do I need the LCD programmer to set limits?No, the limits can be set using the integrated programming buttons on the circuit board. In fact, fully automatic operation is possible without needed the LCD programmer due to the automatic detection functions for safety edge and photocell.
Can I program the CS320 to ignore a safety edge spiral cable/junction box?When electronic limits are used the object passing through the photocell can be ignored by using the PEB POINT function. Activating the function using the LCD programmer will ignore the photocell below this point.
Can I connect traffic lights to the CS320?The volt-free programmable relays can be used to control 230Vac or 24Vdc traffic lights. Using the LCD programmer, pre-warning delays and various light functions can be selected. The CS320 can also offer directional traffic light control.
The internal red light is flashing continuously, why won’t the door operate?This is a safety circuit activation. This could be caused by manual override activation or thermal trip. It could be anything connected to one of the safety circuit connections e.g. Safety brake switch, external E-Stop button or ground lock isolator.
What type of operators can I connect to the CS320?The CS320 is compatible with any three phase mechanical limit operators up to 2.2kW. For electronic limits the CS320 connects to the Kostal DES-B encoder. The CS320 can replace comparable controllers that are compatible with the Kostal encoder.
Is there a plug-in loop detector for the CS320?We have a 1-channel plug-in loop detector that requires no additional set up giving a open command. Ideal for free exit.
Can I use the CS320 to replace a CS300 or CS310?The CS320 is a direct replacement for the CS300 and CS310. The terminal layout and connections are the same so the existing cable set should plug straight in. The CS320 can also be used to replace the discontinued CS250.
Why does the internal green light flash continuously or PERMANENT INPUT displayed on power up and I can’t operate the door?One of the external commands is permanently activated. Disconnect the external commands one by one to identify the source if the fault.
Can I still use existing remotes from a Mini Standard with the CS320?Unfortunately, the plug-in radio cards used in our Mini Standard cannot be connected to the CS320. However, we can supply a compatible standalone receiver allowing existing remotes to be re-used.
Does the CS320 have a cycle counter?The cycle counter can be found in the DIAGNOSIS menu, it shows complete cycles. Additionally, the CS320 can tell you how many open commands or safety reversals have occurred along with the number of times the open position was reached. This gives a more realistic indication of usage particularly in high duty applications.
Does the CS320 record fault and safety activations?In addition to showing the status of command, position and safety inputs the DIAGNOSIS menu records faults and safety activations while the door is in motion. The number of times a particular event occurred and the cycle count of the last event is displayed.
Can I connect Light Curtains to the CS320?The CS320 can accept OSE or PNP/SSR type light curtains though we prefer the OSE type. The LCD programmer is essential as the automatic learning functions won’t correctly detect the light curtain. Additionally, two sets of light curtains can be connected to the CS320 to ensure full coverage when it is not possible to mount a single set within the door guides.
I retro-fitted the CS320 to an older mechanical limit operator, why is the red light flashing 3 times?This usually occurs because the manual override has been activated. Try turning power off, disengage the manual override then power up to check the fault has cleared. The 3 red flash indication is actually a limit switch fault, in this case caused when the limit common is broken by the manual override interlock switch.
Can the CS320 output door position information?The CS320 has 4 volt-free relay outputs and numerous functions that can be selected using the LCD programmer. By default, the relays are enabled to give door open or closed position for easy interlocking with other equipment.
Why does the LCD programmer show ERROR SKS CLS but the door operates normally?This means that a safety edge has not been detected, in this case only dead man closing is possible. If dead man closing is required this message won’t affect the operation of the door or any safety functions but if required; it can be removed by changing the door operating mode using the LCD programmer.
Does the CS320 offer draw-in protection?We can supply a version of the CS320 with additional plug-in modules and compliant draw-in photocells.
Do I need the LCD programmer to turn off the Automatic Closing Timer?No, the closing timer can be turned off by fitting a link to the INPUT 1 terminals just above safety edge connections. The CS320 has a default 15 second closing time, to extend the time the LCD programmer is required.
Why has the door stopped part way open and the red light is flashing 6 times?This means the run time has exceeded, this only happens with mechanical limits. When setting mechanical limits always use adjustment mode, it’s safer and ensures that the run time is automatically learnt.
Why is the RS 400 displaying "EMERGENCY STOP" on the LCD programmer?This occurs because the panel cannot see a lip or park switch. The RS 400 uses lip/park switch for interlocking the door controls while the leveller is deployed. It is essential for lip-in and auto-return functions. This message could be displayed because the lip/park switch has failed or the switch has not been fitted on installation. The lip/park switch must give a closed circuit when the lip is fully retracted/parked. The message is usually displayed when the door is closed.
Why don't the mimic lights on the front of the RS 400 switch to green with the external traffic lights?The internal traffic lights do not mimic the external lights. They are a "ready to load" function that works in conjunction with the lip/park switch. The green light will activate when the leveller is resting on the vehicle. If you want to mimic the external lights, you can use the external light terminals assuming the lamps are rated for the same voltage. Otherwise, the programmable relays could be used to switch the internal lights.
Why does the RS 400 show TERM SWITCH FAIL on power-up?Unlike the CS controllers, the RS 400 will not power up in ADJUSTMENT mode when the limits are not set. This fault occurs because the limits are not set. By setting limits, the fault will be rectified.
Will the RS 400K operate a 2-valve swing lip leveller?Unfortunately, the timing functions required for this valve sequence are not available on the RS 400K. In this case, we can only offer the RS 301K, so a separate door controller is required.
Why do I get Error Revolution when setting limits?On some sectional doors the cables are configured so that the drive shaft turns in the opposite direction to what the RS 400 expects. This can be rectified by altering the Rotating Field parameter in the INPUT menu, now the RS 400 expects to see the encoder turn in the "wrong" direction.
Why is Error RS485 shown in ADJUSTMENT mode?This fault is shown because the panel cannot see an encoder. It could be due to a wiring error but usually, it is because the RS 400 is being used with mechanical limits. In this case, the limit type needs changing in the INPUT menu.
Can I fit a wheel block or Castell lock to the RS 400?The RS 400 has a wheel block function that takes a signal from a wheel block or castell lock. On activation the traffic lights switch, then door and leveller operation are enabled. One of the programmable relay outputs can be used to indicate that the door is closed to allow the removal of the wheel block at which point the traffic lights will revert to green allowing the vehicle to depart.
I have connected external traffic lights to the RS 400, why aren't they working?The external traffic lights need to be turned on in the INPUT menu, (TR LIGHTS OUT)
Which type of telescopic levellers are compatible with the RS range?The RS 301V and RS 400V both have 8 telescopic valve sequences, there are five 3-valve options and three 2-valve options. We rarely find a telescopic valve sequence that isn't possible with these controllers.
What are the differences between the RS Dock Controllers?There are three models available: The RS 200L is a basic controller for 1-valve swing lip levellers, it only controls the leveller. The RS 301 is a more capable controller, available in swing and telescopic lip versions it has multiple valve sequences and numerous programmable functions including traffic lights. The RS 400 is our combined door and dock leveller solution, it integrates shelter, traffic lights and interlocking in one controller.
Do I need an LCD programmer to set up the controller?An LCD programmer is essential for the RS 300 and RS 400, all features are accessed by the programmer. The advantage of using a programmer is that it prevents unauthorized access to the setup menus.
What encoder type of encoder can be used with the RS 400?The RS 400 is designed to work with the Kostal (DES-B) encoder or mechanical limits.
How do I fit a 230V dock light to the RS 400?RELAY 2 can be used to switch a dock light. No programming is required as the relay is pre-programmed to switch on when the door is open.
Why isn't the shelter inflating?There is a selector switch on the front of the RS 400 that activates the automatic inflation of the shelter. Make sure this is switched on and the LD7 light is illuminated. The shelter should inflate when the door opens. Also, try reversing the polarity of the shelter control wires.
Can I fit a driver's button to the RS 400?A driver's button can be connected using the wheel block function. We offer a driver's button modification to the RS 400 to save the installer time on site.
What does the K and V mean after RS 301 or RS 400?The RS 301K and RS 400K are for swing lip levellers, and the RS 301V and RS 400V are for telescopic lip.
Can I delay the door/traffic light operation while the shelter inflates/deflates?When the door reaches the close position there is a 20 second delay before the external traffic light changes to green to allow the shelter to deflate. A delay can also be set to allow the shelter to inflate before the door opens, this is particularly useful in refrigerated installations.
Why won't the telescopic lip retract when I press the lip-in button?This can happen because the lip-in switch is faulty, if the fault occurs on installation, it is usually because the installer has linked out the lip switch terminals rather than fitting a switch to the leveller. A lip-in switch must be fitted.
Do I need a maveo account to use the maveo connect stick?You need a "my maveo account" to use the maveo connect stick. With an e-mail address and password protection, you can then log in from any device and control your gate/ garage door operator. It is not possible to control the gates/ garage door with a maveo connect stick offline, i.e. exclusively in the local network. An internet connection is required.
Is a photocell required for the operation of the maveo connect stick with Marantec UK door and gate operators?Your garage door/ gate needs a photocell for maveo. You can purchase a photocell or buy it directly as a bundle together with the maveo connect stick. You can find out how to install it in a separate support page. Only then will all maveo features be activated for you.
How do I know if I have sufficient Wi-Fi reception for the maveo connect stick to work?Check in advance whether there is sufficient Wi-Fi reception at the location of your door opener. You can check this by connecting your smartphone to your Wi-Fi network and holding it next to your garage door opener. Now try watching a video. If the video plays smoothly and in good quality, then the maveo connect stick should probably have sufficient reception. If you do not have sufficient Wi-Fi reception in your garage, we recommend installing Power Line adapters. You can set up our maveo connect stick in a separate / segmented network and use it in exactly the same way as anyone else.
What smartphones are compatible with the maveo app?To set up and use the maveo connect stick, you need a smartphone. We recommend at least smartphones with Android 9 or later and iPhones model 8 / SE or later with iOS 16 or later. Make sure that the location services, Bluetooth, mobile data and Wi-Fi are working on your smartphone and can be enabled for the maveo app so that you can install the maveo connect stick and use it to its full extent.
Which photocells are compatible?Currently only the Marantec 2-wire technology is compatible. We recommend using a Special 630. It is best to buy the maveo and a Special 630 .
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